10 best and concise thank you notes after a funeral
CachHayNhat - A thank you note after the funeral is essential and is the announcement to everyone that the family's funeral is complete. This is an expression of the family's gratitude to those who took their precious time to attend the funeral. This is also the family's thanks to friends, relatives, neighbors for sharing and helping the family during the funeral.

1. What is the content of the thank you post after the funeral?
For you to have a meaningful, informative and meaningful thank you post after the funeral, readers can refer to the following sample:
Full name of deceased person, date of birth, hometown...
What was the reason for his death and on what date and year did he die...
How old are the dead people...
Where is the funeral held?...
Where is the funeral held?...
Our family would like to thank the grandparents, grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, uncles, paternal and maternal relatives, extended family, neighbors, close friends who have sent rings. Condolence flowers to send our lost loved ones… to their final resting place.
While the family is confused, if there is any negligence, the family hopes to receive sympathy and forgiveness.
Our family is grateful.
Above is a sample family layout that you can refer to to send a general thank you to those who attended the funeral. Or the family can read it right at the funeral, post the news on television, in the press...
2. Sample thank you letter from the bereaved family number 1
- Dear delegates of the mass organizations,
– Dear grandparents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, friends, neighbors, near and far, and our mother's old friends.
After several years of fighting with a serious illness, our mother and grandmother passed away. It was a huge, irreparable deficiency in the love life and in all aspects of our extended family.
From the time our mother fell ill until the last minute and during today's funeral, we have received a lot of support and help from the mass organizations, grandparents, uncles, parents. brothers and sisters friends. We don't know what to say, but the sincere thanks of our whole family.
Dear mother,
Although our generations of children and grandchildren live in different directions, the vast majority of them gathered here today to see their mother off. We will never forget the tenacity of your mother who fought against illness for the past 3 years. Mother calmly looked at her optimistic life and lovingly took care of her children and grandchildren until the last minute. We vow to follow that spirit of our mother.
May you rest in peace in the golden stream, we promise to remember and fulfill your advice and wishes, to love and care for each other.
Once again, thank you to all the representatives of mass organizations, friends and funeral homes ................................ Come visit and help our family organize today's farewell. While the bereaved family was confused if there was any negligence, the family asked for forgiveness.
Sincerely thank.
3. Sample thank you letter after the funeral number 2
Ladies and gentlemen!
Date ...../...../.......... (ie date ..... month ..... ............ ..... lunar calendar). It's the funeral day of our mother, our grandmother is ……………………. ., lost day ..... month ...... (ie day ..... month ..... year ................. lunar calendar ), enjoy life ………… age.
In the past few days, our family has had to go through a very great loss, which is the eternal passing of our dear mother that we have always loved. He is the one who gave birth and sacrificed his whole life to create the shape and career that we are today.
But alas! As soon as we understood that, we had not yet repayed her for being born and raised, but suddenly she turned into an ancient human, leaving us forever.
It's hard to match now
Yin and yang are both far away from each other
Ladies and gentlemen.
My Mother's funeral was solemnly held, at the funeral home ................................. ....., Our family would like to thank:
Together with the entire community, friends from near and far, relatives and neighbors came to visit, send flowers, send condolences and send our mother and grandmother to her final resting place.
While the bereaved family is confused, it is inevitable that the negligence will be avoided, please be mindful of your forgiveness.
We sincerely thank you!

4. Sample family thank you notes after funeral number 3
Grandmother: ........................... .......... year of birth ................................. ............., district province ... ............, passed away at ..... time day ...... month ..... .year ........... (ie day ..... month ..... lunar calendar), life expectancy .......... age.
Funeral services were held at the house ........ street ................, ward ............ ........, conscious ........................................ .....
Grandma's family ....................................................................... .......... Sincere thanks to:
- Residential group ....................................................................... ...., Party Committee, People's Committee, Association of the Elderly of Ward ................................;
- Grandparents .............................................. ................................. ..........................
- Grandparents .............................................. ................................. ..........................
- Grandparents .............................................. ................................. ..........................
- The extended family, along with all gentlemen, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, relatives, close friends, near and far, have sent messages of condolences, flowers, and emails, especially to send the coffins of our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers to their final resting place.
While the family is confused, if there is something wrong, our family would like to pray for forgiveness.
On behalf of the entire family of Mrs. ............ Sincerely thank you!
5. A brief post-funeral thank you note number 4
Our husband, father is Mr................................. .., after a period of serious illness, passed away at ........ hours ........ minutes day ...../ ...../.......... at the hospital ............................... ..............................................., lived 86 years old.
Ceremony to pay respects to and memorialize him .................................................................. ............ was solemnly held on ......./.../........... at Funeral Home .... ................................. ...
The Funeral Organizing Committee and family would like to express their deep gratitude to:
- Grandparents .............................................. ................................. ..........................
- Grandparents .............................................. ................................. ..........................
- Grandparents .............................................. ................................. ..........................
- Cells, People's Groups of Wards, Wards, Wards, Districts ..................... .; ward ............, district .........., .. ..........
Along with the delegations and individuals who are colleagues, extended families, relatives, paternal and maternal relatives, close friends near and far, have sent wreaths, sent letters/emails to visit and share sad and see our husband and father off to their final resting place.
While the family was confused, something was negligent, the family asked for forgiveness.
6. Sample short funeral thank you letter number 5
Our father is a great-grandfather................................................................................. ............, born in .........., died on ......, buried on ...../..... ./.......... at home cemetery, village ....................., commune ...... ................, district province ......... .., enjoy life ........ Age.
Our family is deeply grateful to:
- Grandparents .............................................. ................................. ..........................
- Grandparents .............................................. ................................. ..........................
- Grandparents .............................................. ................................. ..........................
Thank you to Commune Leaders ................................, Funeral Board ................................ ., mass organizations, schools, fellow classmates, colleagues, brothers, comrades, friends far and near, thanks to the grandparents and relatives in the village in the commune, for visiting. , condolences and take my father to his final resting place.
While the family is confused, there is nothing wrong, please forgive.
7. A brief thank you note after the funeral number 6
Our grandfather / grandmother / father / mother is…, original place…, passed away at… hour… minute… day (ie day… month… year – calculated according to the lunar calendar), enjoying life… age. Buried at cemetery…, district… province….
On behalf of the family, we would like to sincerely thank neighbors, friends near and far, relatives, people's party committee.... came to see us off (grandparents/parents….) to our final resting place.
Thank you funeral board…. enthusiastically helped the family so that the post-mortem work took place solemnly and safely.
While the funeral still has many problems of negligence, our family asks for understanding and forgiveness.
Thank you very much!
On behalf of the family
8. Sample thank you letter for funeral number 7
Our family's father, grandfather and great-grandfather are: Grandpa ..........., born on .... month ... year .....
Home town:............................................... ................................. ..........
Due to a serious illness, he passed away on ..... day ........ (ie day ..... month ..... year ....), enjoying life ..... age .
Funeral was held at ................................................................. ................................. .....
Burial ceremony at the people's cemetery of the ward .................................................................. ..........................
Our family would like to thank the grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, paternal and maternal relatives, extended families, neighbors, close friends near and far for visiting. , send a wreath of condolences and send our father, grandfather, and great-grandfather to his final resting place.
Sincerely thank the provinces, ministries, central and local branches, agencies near and far, professors, doctors , Nursing Faculty ...... Hospital ......., Funeral Home ................, Cemetery Management Board ....... ..... helped the family to organize a well-organized and solemn funeral.
While the family is confused, something is negligent, the family hopes to receive sympathy and forgiveness.
Thank you very much!
9. Sample thank you letter at funeral number 8
Our mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother are great-grandmothers ............. ..........., born in …………, due to old age and weak health, despite having children, grandchildren, brothers, paternal and maternal brothers and the doctors and nurses devotedly took care and saved him, but he passed away on ...../...../.......... (ie on ..... /...../.......... year ............ lunar calendar) an buried on ...../...../.......... (ie on ...../...../...... ............. lunar calendar) at the cemetery at home, village ............ .........., commune ................................, district ....... .., province ............, enjoy life .. ......... age.
On behalf of the family, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to:
- Grandparents .............................................. ................................. ..........................
- Grandparents .............................................. ................................. ................................
Along with extended family, neighbors, relatives, close friends near and far, have visited, sent flowers of condolences and sent our mother, grandmother and great-grandmother to their final resting place.
Thank you to the Funeral Committee of the Residential Group No. ......., ward ................, district ...... ............., Hanoi City; Funeral board of village ................................, commune ................, district ..... .................., conscious .............................. ..; Hospital Funeral Home ................................................................................. ............ has enthusiastically helped the family to organize a safe and solemn funeral.
While the family is confused, something is negligent, the family hopes to receive sympathy and forgiveness.
Thank you very much!
10. Thank you after a Buddhist funeral
“Namo Receives Master Amitabha Buddha,
Dear old ladies, gentlemen, uncles, aunts, uncles, aunts and uncles, Buddhist brothers and sisters in the Ho Niem committees of the pagodas, the organizers of the association, the relatives and relatives on the inner and outer sides, dear friends near and far from you/your father/mother/… us.
Today's date…month…year…, Mr/Mrs/Father/Mother/…our name is… legal name…, self…, pen name… Born on…month…year… Born at…hour…minute…day … enjoy life… age.
In the last days, you have always been encouraged and reminded by the teachers from far and near. Being instructed by the monks to come to the house to let him/her/father/mother/… we generate bodhicitta to go to the Buddha realm.
Dear Chu Ton Duc,
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Since our grandfather/grandparents/parents… passed away, our family has received so many hearts of love and condolences such as sending flowers, e-mails, funerals and praying for the soul. grandpa/grandmother/father/mother/… us during the past few days.
On behalf of the great bereaved family, we sincerely thank the virtues of the Venerable Zen Monks and Nuns. We also would like to express our deep gratitude to the Buddhists in the ashrams of the pagodas, grandparents, aunts, uncles, paternal and maternal sides, close friends, near and far.
In addition, our family would also like to thank the Board of Directors and staff of the funeral home… for their thoughtful support for the funeral of Mr/Mrs/Mother/Mother.
During the bereavement's confusion, the transportation and reception inevitably made mistakes. Please, the Honorable Ones and nobles, please ignore the love and happiness, so that our bereaved family can be filial piety.
At this point, our great bereaved family would like to sincerely pay homage to the Venerable Monks and Nuns and express our sincere gratitude to you.
Namo Joyful Tibetan Bodhisattva.
This is a thank you template at a Buddhist funeral, you can refer to it to choose to send thanks in accordance with the family's religion.
11. Catholic Funeral Thank You
Dear Concelebrating Fathers, Religious Men and Women, and Community of God's People,
As Pope St. John Paul II affirmed: "Suffering is the great message of Christianity". The three of us experienced the tribulation suffering due to a serious illness, which helped us to enter into Christ's own suffering, thereby sharing in his salvation. Thanks to that, Ba always trusted and asked God to give him the grace to always believe in God's merciful love. Ba's unwavering faith is thanks to the spiritual encouragement and prayers of all those close friends who always love him.
Dear Concelebrating Fathers, Religious Men and Women, and Community of God's People,
Over the past year, from the time I was diagnosed with the illness, to the day Dad lay down, our family has received a lot of attention and help from many people. Doctors and nurses devotedly treated them, benefactors and relatives extended their arms to help spiritually and materially, brothers and sisters and communities fervently offered prayers and shared with Dad during the crisis. struggling with disease. The love of the village has come to share the pain of the three children who always smile to accept God's will until the day they close their eyes and say goodbye to everyone. We sincerely thank you.
The presence and companionship of the Community in today's funeral Mass is a great proof of the love that you and the community have for your family and especially for the three of us.
– We would like to thank the Reverend Father for giving the sacraments during Father's illness and creating favorable conditions for our family to hold a funeral Mass for Dad so zealously.
– We are grateful to Father and Mr. Augustine ............ who presided over the funeral Mass today because of his special love for the three of us.
– We thank Father and Uncle Joseph ........... for preaching Mass according to Father's will before leaving,
- The concelebrants did not mind the long, cold distance to come and celebrate Mass for the three of us,
– We would like to thank the monks and nuns who prayed and celebrated Mass together
– We would like to thank the Superior Soeur and the Soeurs of the Order ....... for always paying special attention during Father's illness, visiting to comfort his family when he heard that he had passed away and were present in St. Today's ceremony
– We would like to thank the Congregation for Youth, the Congregation of the Church and the filial piety association of the family ........., the Patriarch's Association, the GX Mother's Association, the Catechists, the communication department, the Gabriel trumpet band. , Department of Saints and Births, Divine Mercy Group, Group of Apostolic Children, maternal and paternal relatives, married families, fathers and aunts and uncles in the domestic and overseas director Le Bao Tinh, student group .........., friends near and far and the community of God's people have come to us with all their hearts.
– Finally, I would like to thank the choirs in the GX, especially the Vietnam Red Cross Community for welcoming Ba so that he can serve GX in the past time, and today, together with the Cecilia Choir, joined the choir to help the funeral Mass. be complete and fervent.
Certainly, the large presence of the Fathers, the Religious and the Community is a great consolation for us. Thank God for giving the three of us special friendships so that he can be loved and cared for through prayers and songs to God. In the earthly journey of a fragile human life, shortcomings cannot be avoided. We respectfully ask the Community to remember forgiveness. May the Community continue to love and accompany in prayer with Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph so that the Soul of ............ Good and very merciful, welcome to the Holy Land to enjoy eternal happiness.
Our family would like to express our sincere gratitude and bow our heads.
The above article is a sample of thank you at the funeral or full of information that CachHaynhat shares for you to use.