How To Avoid Bloating After Eating
After a great meal, you're ready to relax and move on for the rest of the day. But then it happens: Your pants feel tight, and your stomach feels twice its normal size. On top of that, you may even experience cramping, gas, and burping. These are all possible signs of bloating.
While some underlying health conditions sometimes cause bloating, it's a common occurrence that can be remedied with changes in your eating habits. Here are some tips to help you avoid those uncomfortable flatulences.
1. Know the Most Common Food Triggers
Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins can all be gas triggers. However, some foods can be worse than others, and digestive problems will vary from person to person. Common gas triggers include:
cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage bắp
milk product
peaches and pears
You should not avoid these foods. Instead, try eating one type of gas at a time and reduce the amount if it causes bloating. Identify specific foods that are causing problems.
2. Track your fiber intake
Fibrous foods like whole grains, beans, and legumes can be common causes of bloating. Although these foods are touted as healthier than their refined counterparts, their high fiber content leads to bloat in some people.
Fiber is an important part of a heart-healthy diet, but you should gradually increase your intake. For example, instead of switching from refined white grains to whole grains all at once, try substituting one product at a time to see how your body responds.
3. Remove the salt shaker
By now, you know that eating too much salt can cause a host of long-term health problems, including high blood pressure. In the short term, an extra salty meal can lead to water retention, causing bloating.
You can avoid excess sodium in your diet by using flavored herbs instead of salt and by reducing the amount of processed and packaged foods you eat.
4. Avoid fatty foods
Here's another pitfall of high-fat meals: They take longer for your body to process. Fat moves slowly through the digestive tract, and this can cause swelling.
It also explains why your stomach feels like getting out of your clothes after a big, fattening meal, such as a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.
Not all fats are created equal, and digestion can vary between trans, saturated, and unsaturated fats.
Pay attention to the type of fat that can cause problems. If fried foods, which have saturated and trans fats, tend to cause problems, try healthy, unsaturated fats like avocado or nuts and seeds.
Limiting your intake of fried, processed, and refined foods can help with digestion and overall health.
5. Limit carbonated drinks
Carbonated water and soda are the top culprits for bloating in the beverage world. When you consume these drinks, carbon dioxide gas builds up in your body. This can quickly lead to bloating, especially if you take them quickly.
Plain water is the best. Try adding a slice of lemon for some flavor without the puffiness.
6. Eat slowly
You may get in the habit of slinging your food down if you're in a time of crisis. You also swallow air when you do this, which can lead to gas retention.
You can beat the bloat by taking the time to eat. Eating more slowly can also reduce your overall food intake, so you may find yourself tightening your belt rather than loosening it!
7. Go for a walk
There's no denying the benefits of exercise for your health and well-being. As an added bonus, working out can also reduce the gas buildup that contributes to bloating. A short walk can relieve bloating after a meal, if you're prepared for it.
8. Try adding gas
Digestive enzymes help break down food and absorb nutrients. One example is the anti-gas supplement a-galactosidase, which helps prevent gas buildup from certain foods.
Although they often advertise to prevent belching and bloating, these pills can also reduce bloating. Depending on the brand, you can take these supplements daily, or as needed before meals as ordered by your doctor.
There are many other digestive enzymes, including amylase, lipase, and protease, that you can also take. These help break down carbs, fat, and protein and can be found on their own or in combination products over the counter.
Additionally, probiotic supplements can help regulate the good bacteria in your gut, which can reduce bloating.
When lifestyle changes don't help
Bloating is usually just your body's natural response to certain foods or habits. But when bloating doesn't come easily to diet changes, it may be time to address the issue with your doctor.
This is especially the case if bloating is accompanied by severe cramps and abnormal bowel movements. Potential health problems may include:
Crohn's disease
Food allergy
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
lactose intolerance
celiac disease
gluten sensitivity
You don't have to suffer from bloating forever. Remember that identifying the cause will ultimately help prevent episodes of uncomfortable bloating. Work with a registered dietitian if you need more help finding the right foods or supplements to help ease bloating.
The American Heart Association and the US Food and Drug Administration recommend no more than 2,300 mg of sodium per day - about the size of a teaspoon of salt. People who are more sensitive to sodium effects, such as those with hypertension or prehypertension, should aim for 1,500 mg or less.