If you often have to interact with other people, experts recommend doing 6 things a day
According to doctor Truong Huu Khanh, when your job requires you to come into contact with strangers, you must definitely wear a mask when working. Especially to wear a mask in the RIGHT way.
When announcing basic preventive measures for Covid-19 for individuals, the World Health Organization (WHO) once affirmed that people need to avoid crowded places or areas that are easy to come into contact with infected people. At the same time, maintain a distance of at least 1 meter between you and others, especially those with symptoms of coughing, sneezing and fever.
However, for people who work in business, hotel receptionists, tour guides ... and many other service professions, it is difficult to comply with this principle because they have to contact and interact with each other every day. Communicating close to a lot of people, disease prevention also becomes more difficult.
Facing that concern, recently, Dr. Truong Huu Khanh (Head of Infectious Diseases - Internal Neurology, Children's Hospital 1, Ho Chi Minh City) shared important principles to prevent Covid-19 if daily you forced to interact with many strangers.
Important principles to prevent Covid-19 when having daily contact with strangers
A. Determine where the source of infection when coming into contact with strangers comes from?
According to doctor Truong Huu Khanh, when your job requires you to come into contact with strangers, the source of infection can come from two things:
- When strangers cough, sneeze.
- The virus is hovering across the face of a stranger.

B. What should be done to prevent Covid-19 infection?
Dr. Khanh has in turn pointed out 6 important things that everyone needs to follow when going to work. That is:
1. Whenever standing in front of strangers:
Definitely wear a mask. Especially to wear a mask in the RIGHT way.

Absolutely do not because you feel short of breath, but pull the mask down over your nose and mouth. Instead, you can even slow down your breathing, breathing in bursts that will dispel the feeling of suffocation.
In case you've inhaled slowly and still don't feel better, go to an empty area, using a tissue to wipe around your face. Then use your hands to loosen the mask, breathe gently, finally, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
2. In the workspace:
- Make sure the air source must be from the top down and out.
- The working area needs to be cleaned regularly, if you find that there are too many unused and difficult-to-clean furniture, you need to clean it up.
- After each time a guest comes to talk, you need to clean the area in front of you once.

After each guest comes to talk, you need to clean the area in front of you once.
- Should open the door for ventilation, and the air conditioner temperature should not be too cold, at least 27 degrees Celsius.
- Form a habit before putting your hands on your nose and mouth to check again whether your hands are clean.
3. In the toilet area:
- The cleaner needs to make sure the toilet is clean.
- After each use of the toilet, you need to wash your hands with soap.
- Please use tissue to close the faucet.
4. If eating at the company cafeteria:
- The company should divide the number of people to eat in batches.
- When eating should keep a distance from each other.

5. After the work is done:
- Wash your hands before going home.
- If possible, take a warm shower before going home.
6. When you get home:
- After returning home, it is necessary to wash your hands again.
- Make sure to drink enough water, get enough sleep to have resistance.
- When going home, everyone needs to observe the health situation of everyone in the family. If everyone has a cough and fever, most of them are viruses. The virus in this season is most likely Covid-19, so it is necessary to mobilize relatives to immediately go to a medical facility for examination.
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20 nguyên tắc đơn giản ai cũng cần nắm rõ để cùng nhau đi qua mùa dịch Covid-19 - BS Trần Quốc Khánh
Không phải uống vitamin C, ăn các loại thực phẩm này mới là cách tốt nhất để tăng cường hệ miễn dịch