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MBBank Strategic Communication Poster vector file

Share the MBBank Strategic Communication Poster file vector file to use in printing for MBBank Military Bank.

Poster Truyền Thông Chiến Lược MBBank file vector

After a long time of planning and preparation, MBBank has officially changed its logo and brand image since November 4, 2019.

The elements combine together in the shape of a star and are tilted, like a person in a forward motion, all combined into a MB brand with identity, humanity, constantly innovating. become a smart bank, in order to bring better experiences to customers.

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Poster Truyền Thông Chiến Lược MBBank file vector

Poster Truyền Thông Chiến Lược MBBank file vector

Poster Truyền Thông Chiến Lược MBBank file vector

Poster Truyền Thông Chiến Lược MBBank file vector


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