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The Ministry of Health guides medical isolation at home to avoid the spread of Covid-19 disease

People who need to be isolated

F0: Persons confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, receive treatment at hospitals, go for treatment, self-service to limit the spread of infection to everyone.

F1: People think infected, contact F0: Immediately put on a mask; Notify the county health department where you live; Prepare and go to isolation at the hospital; Also notify F2 about your condition

Authorities disinfect the street.
Authorities disinfect the street.

F2: Contact with suspected people (F1): Immediately put on a mask; Notify the county health department where you live; Prepare and follow the isolation instructions of medical staff (at home or in concentration); Also notify F3 about your condition

F3: Contact F2: Immediately put on a mask; Notify the county health department where you live; Prepare and follow the isolation instructions of medical staff (at home or in concentration); At the same time, notify F4 of your condition.

F4 (F3 exposure) or F5 (F4 exposure): Self-isolate at home; Notify the county health department where you live

Patient and contact classification process up to F3

F0: Patient is positive or treated as positive and transferred to Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases 2

F1: Direct contact with the positive case transferred to isolation at the hospital: Dong Da, Thanh Nhan, Ha Dong, Xanh Pon, North Thang Long (taken to the nearest and most convenient hospital)

F2: Exposure to F1 isolated at home

F3: Exposure to F2 isolated at the place of residence

Home quarantine group, places to stay

- Observe isolation at home, where to stay according to regulations, preferably in a private room. In case the family, the place of residence does not have its own room, the bed of the sick person is isolated, so it should be at least 2m from the bed of other family members.

- The isolation room should ensure ventilation, regularly clean, limit furniture in the room.

- Regularly measure temperature at least 2 times (morning, afternoon) a day. Record general health status on daily health monitoring sheet

- Limit direct contact with family members, residence as well as other people. Self-monitor health, implement personal hygiene measures, wear masks regularly, wash hands with soap or other disinfectant solution.

- Daily notify the health ministries of wards and townships assigned to be in charge of monitoring twice in the morning and afternoon about their temperature results and health situation.

- Immediately notify the health ministries of wards, communes and townships assigned to monitor when having one of the symptoms suspected of having the disease: fever, cough, difficulty breathing

- Do not go out of your home or place of residence by yourself

- Persons under quarantine must collect used masks, tissues to wipe their nose and mouth, into separate garbage bags and put them neatly in the corner of the quarantined person's room.

- Do not eat together with other people in the family or place of residence.


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