Top 10 Happiest Countries In The World In 2021
At the end of the day, nothing in life is more important than happiness. If you are happy, your life is good. Therefore, achieving and maintaining happiness can be considered as the biggest goal in everyone's life. Many aspects of happiness so luck depends on ourselves. They depend on our actions and determine the personal lives we make. Sadly, however, there are also factors beyond our control that determine how happy we feel in our lives. These factors can be determined by the sudden death of loved ones, health problems or general problems caused by external or human forces on us.

An often underappreciated element of happiness is the surroundings we live in. Not just our surroundings, but the wider country we live in. Countries can vary greatly in the overall quality of life they provide to their citizens. And quality of life is clearly a major factor for one's happiness. As many studies have shown over the years, certain aspects of what a country provides (or does not provide) to its people correlate significantly with the average level of happiness that its citizens enjoy. This is felt and experienced.
The following ranking lists the 10 happiest countries in the world right now. It is based on the World Happiness Report, which in turn is based on the following six ranking factors: GDP per capita, Social support level, Healthy life expectancy, Freedom of life choices, Generosity and Acceptance. awareness of corruption. These factors are being measured for (most) each country in the world and compared with the benchmark of the lowest national average for each factor. On that basis, a score is being calculated to rank based on.
The 10 happiest countries in the world in 2021
Happiness Index Score:: 7.842
Happiness Index Score: 7.620
Happiness Index Score: 7,571
Happiness Index Score: 7,554
Happiness Index Score: 7.464
Happiness Index Score: 7.392
Happiness Index Score: 7.363
Happiness Index Score: 7.324
Happiness Index Score: 7.277
Happiness Index Score: 7.268
The higher a country ranks in the rankings, the happier the average resident of said country can expect. Just a note: One continent, and especially one particular region within that continent, is dominating this list of the top 10 happiest countries in the world…
The 10 happiest countries in the world in 2021
1. Finland
Happiness Index Score: 7.842

Continent: Europe
Region: Scandinavia
Capital : Helsinki
Population: 5.5 million
2. Denmark
Happiness stat score: 7,620

Continent: Europe
Region: Scandinavia
Capital : Copenhagen
Population: 5.8 million
3. Switzerland
Happiness Index Score: 7,571

Continent: Europe
Region: Central Europe
Capital : Bern
Population: 8.6 million
4. Iceland
Happiness stat score: 7,554

Continent: Europe
Region: Scandinavia
Capital : Reykjavik
Population: 360,000
5. Netherlands
Happiness stat score: 7.464

Continent: Europe
Region: Western Europe
Capital : Amsterdam
Population: 17.3 million
6. Norway
Happiness Index Score: 7,392

Continent: Europe
Region: Scandinavia
Capital : Oslo
Population: 5.4 million
7. Sweden
Happiness Index Score: 7,363

Continent: Europe
Region: Scandinavia
Capital : Stockholm
Population: 10.3 million
8. Luxembourg
Happiness Index Score: 7,324

Continent: Europe
Region: Western Europe
Capital : Luxembourg City
Population: 610,000
9. New Zealand
Happiness Index Score: 7,277

Continent / Region: Oceania
Capital : Wellington
Population: 5.0 million
10. Austria
Happiness Index Score: 7,268

Continent: Europe
Region: Central Europe
Capital : Vienna
Population: 8.9 million
The 10 happiest countries in the world in 2021
(based on World Happiness Report 2021)
Happiness Index: 7.842
Happiness stat score: 7,620
3. Switzerland
Happiness Index Score: 7,571
Happiness stat score: 7,554
5. Netherland
Happiness stat score: 7.464
6. Norway
Happiness stat score of: 7,392
Happiness Index Score: 7,363
Happiness Index Score: 7,324
Happiness stat score of: 7,277
Happiness Index Score: 7,268
Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World based on World Happiness Report 2021. Ranking based on a country's GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom of life choice, generosity and perception of corruption