West wall colour as per vastu, the ancient Indian system of architectural harmony, emphasizes the influence of directions on energy flow within a living space. When it comes to painting your walls, Vastu suggests specific colors for different directions to promote positive energy and well-being. Let's explore the ideal west wall color options according to Vastu:
The Significance of the West Direction:
The west direction in Vastu is associated with the element of air and the planet Saturn. It represents peace, calmness, creativity, and relationships. However, an imbalanced west direction can lead to lethargy, financial difficulties, and strained relationships.
According to Vastu, choosing the right color for your west wall plays a crucial role in maintaining inner peace. Since the west direction is linked to calmness and creativity, using colors like blue, white, or silver can help create a soothing atmosphere, reducing stress and promoting tranquility. An imbalanced west direction, on the other hand, may lead to mental restlessness or emotional disturbances. By aligning your space with Vastu-recommended colors, you not only enhance aesthetic appeal but also cultivate a sense of inner harmony and balance in your daily life.
It is best to do the bed in the corner feng shui ritual to avoid any vastu negativity. Of course, the colors of the walls and bed matter too.